Iridology:- And how is the eye the window to your soul?
What is this and how do I integrate this within my practice?
Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the Iris (the colour of your eye). In looking at the eye I determine the tissue, lines, colour, spots (marks) that appear in your eye.
How is this done?
By taking a photo of both of your eyes- because they do differ quite significantly!! Armed with the photo I then go through your body systems, strengths/weaknesses and I will talk you through this and show your eyes and scelera (whites of the eyes) in detail.
So why not call me today on 0400 329 753 to discuss how Iridology can work for you.
What is this and how do I integrate this within my practice?
Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the Iris (the colour of your eye). In looking at the eye I determine the tissue, lines, colour, spots (marks) that appear in your eye.
How is this done?
By taking a photo of both of your eyes- because they do differ quite significantly!! Armed with the photo I then go through your body systems, strengths/weaknesses and I will talk you through this and show your eyes and scelera (whites of the eyes) in detail.
So why not call me today on 0400 329 753 to discuss how Iridology can work for you.